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My Favorite Books
Thinking in Java
Design Pattern
Master EJB
Create Customer Tag
SL275 for Certificated
JSP Card
Design for J2ee
JSP Tag Extension
JDBC2.0 Standard
Perl5.6 For Windows
This is a jsp/serverlet-based which displays the java/j2ee technology and how it is used in online business. please notice, this site is only for non-profit goal and anyone who is interested in the source code and technology i used can get a copy from me if you send a email to me. I'd love to share and exchange ideas with you. I only completed the main functions as a b-c site which also .in the next few months, i am going to .....if anyone is interested in my skills and technology,please review my resume and contact me at. i am very glad to hear from you. any suggestion is very welcome. thanks a lot.

Site Plan
1. Write some Perl script in this site
2. Generate XML in JSP using XSL to display
3. Develop data management interface
4. Make the bbs on this site